Hoda kotb net worth, biography, salary, latest news

Hoda Kotb is a well-known American TV host and broadcast journalist, born on August nine, 1964, in Norman, Oklahoma. She grew up in her own family of Egyptian immigrants and spent a part of her adolescence in Egypt.

Hoda graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in broadcast journalism and began her profession as a news assistant at CBS in Cairo. She joined NBC in 1998 as a correspondent for Dateline NBC. She later became a co-host of the Today display, in which she received a reputation for her enticing persona and heartfelt interviews. Hoda is also a writer, having written bestselling books about her life stories. Known for her warm temperature and authenticity, she has become a loved discern in American morning television.

Hoda Kotb TV Shows

Hoda Kotb is exceptionally recognized for her paintings, which have been shown on several popular TV shows. She is currently the co-anchor of NBC’s Today display, where she shares the spotlight with Savannah Guthrie. Hoda joined the Today show in 2007 and became a co-anchor in 2018, making history as part of the primary all-lady anchor crew for the display.  She also co-hosts the fourth hour of Today, which specializes in lifestyle and leisure subjects, alongside Jenna Bush Hager. In addition to her work on Today, Hoda has been a correspondent for Dateline NBC for the reason that 1998, where she covers in-depth information stories and investigations.

Hoda Kotb Net Worth

Hoda Kotb has an estimated net worth of $30 million. She has earned this wealth frequently via her successful profession as a co-anchor on NBC’s Today Show, where she reportedly makes between $8 million and $10 million a year.  Hoda joined Today in 2007 and became a co-anchor in 2018, taking up after Matt Lauer’s departure. In addition to her television work, she is likewise a finished writer, having written numerous bestselling books, consisting of memoirs and children’s books.

Hoda kotb Biograph

Hoda Kotb is a well-known American television host and journalist, born on August 9, 1964, in Norman, Oklahoma. She grew up in a family of Egyptian immigrants and spent part of her formative years in Egypt. Hoda Kotb’s Husband is Burzis Kanga and her daughter’s name is Hope Catherine Kotb.

Hoda graduated from Virginia Tech with a diploma in broadcast journalism in 1986. She commenced her career at CBS and later joined NBC, where she became a correspondent for Dateline NBC. Hoda received a reputation as the co-anchor of the Today display, making records as a part of the first all-lady anchor crew.

Hoda kotb Salary Per Month

Hoda Kotb’s month-to-month Salary is anticipated to be between $666,667 and $833,333, based totally on her annual income of $8 million to $10 million from NBC’s Today display.

Hoda kotb Latest News

Hoda Kotb recently introduced her selection to go away from NBC’s Today display to spend more time with her own family. On September 26, 2024, she shared her emotional farewell at some point in the printed, expressing that it become a hard however vital preference as she turns 60. Hoda cited that her daughters, Haley and Hope, had been full-size motivations for her decision. Although she may be stepping far away from the morning display, she plans to remain with NBC in a few capacities until early 2025

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